Top: H&M // Jeans: Union Bay // Hat: Banana Republic Factory //
Shoes: Shimamura (Japanese Store) // Bag: // Sunglasses: F21
My beautiful island that is Okinawa...I can claim this place because I was born and raised here, so don't scoff at me...HAHA!
If you have visited/lived in Okinawa, you will know exactly what I'm talking about...the beauty here is unreal. Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks so...according to a Japan Times article, Okinawa had more tourist visits in 2017 than in Hawaii...that's a pretty big deal especially if you've been to Hawaii and know of its tourist reputation and its beauty as well...
Tourism is big business here in Okinawa, and while it's good for Okinawa, money and economy wise, I still worry about Okinawa completely "selling out" sometimes. While all the modern, insta-worthy places are awesome and cute, I'd honestly rather see more historical and authentically Okinawan places and things that share more about Okinawa's rich and unique history, culture and language.
I know there is Okinawa World, Ryukyu Mura, and the Peace Prayer Memorial Park, etc., but I think we need more of these types of places. When I want to remember the Okinawa I knew as a child, I walk through little older neighborhoods to experience the nostalgic sights, sounds and smells...
Ironically enough though, my outfit looks like one a tourist would wear...palm trees and all especially the hat. I believe I did this on purpose because I just like the irony...
I. am. not. a. tourist. but. dressed. like. one.
A high percentage of people look at me and assume I am anyways so oh well! I don't mind one bit.I've been confusing people my whole life so nothing surprises me. :)
On another note, I will not stop wearing this hat this summer. It makes every outfit so full of
What summer outfits are your favorites?

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