What is more of a summer essential other than a cute summer straw bag?
Well maybe flip flops and shorts, but you need a cute summer straw bag to
pull the look together!
Not just for the beach, but I think it makes summer outfits really cute.
The 10 bags I chose here are all under $100
(because they actually have them for crazy prices like
$200-300!!) *insert shocked face emoji*
I chose ones with pom poms and tassels because honestly,
I can't resist the cuteness.
The plain ones are nice too, but
the pom poms and tassels
win me over every time!
They are easy to mix and match with every summer outfit,
and adds color and lots of fun.
My favorites are the ones with "Ciao" and "Oui" on the bag.
Can't resist cute words too.
Which one is your favorite?
Let me know in the comments!

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